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Thursday, March 15, 2018

BBM for Android and iPhone

Blackberry has recently made a shocking announcement saying that the most popular messaging app of blackberry i.e. BBM (Blackberry Messenger) will now be available for android and ios . From the upcoming weekend, official BBM app will be made available for downloading in Google PlayStore for Android users and also in app store for iphone users.

The dates of releasing BBM for android and ios is saturday 21 september at 7 pm EDT. BBM can be used by those Android users who are using smartphones with running Android Ice cream Sandwich or Android Jelly Bean but it is still not clearly stated by the company that whether it will run on Tablets or not.

The ios version of BBM will hit the app store for iphone users who has smartphones running on ios 6 or ios7 in their phones. The date for releasing BBM for iphone is kept sunday, september 22 and time is from 12:01 am in all local markets. Blackberry has not cleared that whether this app will be available for free or company will charge some money for it from their new customers.

Blackberry claims that it currently has over 60 million users that have BBM and each of them uses this application more than 90 minutes per day. They added , BBM is currently sending over 10 billion messages per day.

As similar to Blackberry phones , The ios and android users will also require a unique PIN that they can share with their friends to add them to their personal network. BBM will allow users to feature chat , share multimedia files such as pictures , voice notes etc. It will also allow option for group chat where users can invite their all friends together to chat on same place upto 30 people at a time.

As similar to a social network, on BBM you will be able to set a profile pic , a custom personal message , a status message and also a send out broadcast message to all your contact list.

Now the disappointing news is that the BBM Video calling and BBM Voice calling is not so far supported by Android or ios but the company is thinking over it and planning to include these facilities in near future updates of the app.

Blackberry has also planned one more surprise. By the end of the year , the company will roll out BBM channels and real time forums for people , brands , celebrities , artists , musicians , service providers , communities and much much more.

With announcement of BBM for Android and ios , Blackberry has left several questions in everyone's mind that will you download and install BBM in your Android or iphones ?

what are the unique features that you are expecting from it ? Will BBM satisfy and be able to make justice to all the expectations that people are having from it ? And last but not the least , will you quit your all other Instant Messaging Apps like Whatsapp , Line , Viber and switch to BBM or you are just happy with existing apps and want simply to ignore it.