How to Use Gadgets in windows 8/8.1 like Windows 7 - All knowledge

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Thursday, March 15, 2018

How to Use Gadgets in windows 8/8.1 like Windows 7

In this post I will show you a special trick about windows 8. I have installed windows 8 and saw there is no gadgets on desktop like it use to be on windows 7. I searched in google to find more things about it and lastly i found a solution. 

Microsoft has deleted the desktop gadget from windows 8 setup file but we can add the windows 7 style gadgets manually in 8. There is a website where we can get the .msi file for desktop widget and they developed some styles and it looked very beautiful.

How to Setup?

Download the .msi file from 8Gadgetpack Website. Install manually.

List of Available Gadgets

7 Sidebar – Helmut Buhler
Agenda – Ronnie
All CPU Meter –
App Launcher – Dean Laforet
Calendar – Microsoft
Clipboarder – Helmut Buhler
Clock – Microsoft
Control System –
CPU Meter – Microsoft
Currency – Microsoft
Custom Calendar – Home Cooked Gadgets
Digiclock – gersma
DriveInfo – Kris Thompson
Drives Monitor – Igor M. Bushin
Drives Meter –
Feed Headlines – Microsoft
Glassy CPU Monitor – Helmut Buhler
Google International –
Google Mail – Orbmu2k
GPU Observer – Orbmu2k
HUD Time – Factor Mystic
MiniRadio – Ronnie
Multi Meter – SFkilla
My Weather – Pat Possible
Network Meter –
Network Monitor II – Igor M. Bushin
Picture Puzzle – Microsoft
Ping Monitor – Igor M. Bushin
POP3 Mail Checker – Thomas Pleasance
Power Status – Orbmu2k
Recycle Bin – Eiskalter Engel
Reminder – dahi24
Remove Drive Safely – Plamen Todorov
Slide Show – Microsoft
Sticky Notes Online – SharPra
System Monitor II – Igor M. Bushin
Top Five – Orbmu2k
Top Process Monitor – Igor M. Bushin
Unit Converter – GadgetWE
Volume Control – Orbmu2k
Weather – Microsoft
Webradio Sidebar Gadget – Florian Enders

FAQ answered Directly from their website

Is it free?

Yes, completely

I didn’t really use gadgets previously. Is it really worth installing these?

You should try it. The gadgets included are really useful when working with the PC. Unlike Metro-Apps gadgets can access usful system-information. The included Clipboard-Manager gadget for example will highly improve your productivity. With the Sidebar gadget, you can also make the gadgets visible while working with maximized windows.

What are the requirements?

This is supported on all versions of Windows 8, except Windows RT and the beta of Windows 8 (the beta still contains gadgets).

Why is there a sidebar? Windows 7 didn’t have one.

This is just a gadget to help you keeping the gadgets organized and visible. You can right-click on it and select “close sidebar” to do so. Or you can even add more sidebars by adding the gadget “7 Sidebar”. This is especially usful when working with multiple monitors. You can also make the sidebar appear automatically when touching the border.

Will 8GadgetPack install some crap on my PC?

No, the installer will only install the original Microsoft files and set the neccessary registry entries to make the gadgets work again. The only addition is a small tool with which you can uninstall all Non-Microsoft gadgets and delete all gadget settings. There is also an uninstaller included which removes everything the installer added.

Aren’t gadgets unsafe? Afterall, Microsoft removed them for a reason?

Gadgets can contain viruses like any other software. Despite the warning when installing a gadget people seemed to think that it is safe to run any gadget. As long as you trust the source of the gadgets you install and you use anti-virus software you should be safe.

Will I be able to install gadgets other than the ones included?

Yes, the installer will make it possible to open and install .gadget files.
When I try to install, there appears some error message.
First, try to download the installer again and check if the error still appears. If that’s not helping contact me and don’t forget to mention the error message.

I already installed an older version of 8GadgetPack. What do I have to do to upgrade?

Simply download the installer again and open it. It will update your installation and even update outdated gadgets automatically. You don’t have to uninstall first.